Well done to our rowers at the
Caley Cruisers Fours And Small Boats Head


Scottish Rowing Championships

Scottish Rowing Championships

SPRC win 16 medals and provide 500 cups of tea

The Scottish Rowing Championships returned to Strathclyde Park on the 8th and 9th of June. Crews battled against their competitors as well as against the strong winds and subsequent waves while out on the water. On dry land members were also hard at work in the catering tent, cutting and buttering rolls, pouring teas and coffees, and serving plenty of hot rolls and baked goods to athletes and spectators.

The Masters 4+, comprised of Mary O’Toole, Henrietta Graham-Campbell, Rosalie McSwiggan, and Paula Hubens, coxed by Dominic, was the first to triumph under the conditions and win. (See photo)

It was SPRC vs. SPRC in the Masters 1x, where Stephanie Dancer crossed the finish line ahead of Ailie Ord to claim gold.

In the 4- Amy Newton, Isla Bathgate, Isla Wilding, and Zoe Beeson competed against five other crews and edged out ahead of their competitors in order to win their medals.

The final medal of Saturday came in the 2x where Heather Taylor and Sarah Happs came second to win some silver hardware.

On Sunday with somewhat better weather and alongside rowers from both St Andrew Boat Club and Clydesdale Amatuer Rowing Club, Stevie raced in the J15 4x+ to score the first win of the day for SPRC.

It was another head-to-head race with Ailie and Gillian Connal competing against Paula and her composite partner Rebecca of Clydesdale Amateur Rowing Club in the Masters 2-. It was Ailie and Gillian who came out ahead of the composite to win.

Following on from a time trial in the morning, Amy Newton and Isla W were seeded into the A final of the Women’s 2- category which they then went on to win. With this win the pair became Scottish Champions and the first ever crew to win the Jo Pinder trophy. Zoe – in a composite with University Rowing Aberdeen – was also seeded into the A final after the time trial and won the bronze medal.

Heather, Sarah, Isla B, and Morven Thomson raced in the 4x and won silver, coming second behind Edinburgh University.

Ailie and Gillian joined forces with their friends from St Andrew Boat Club for the 8+ and raced against a full SPRC before they could take the gold.

Blythe formed a composite with rowers from Clydesdale Amatuer Rowing Club to race in the J14 4x+ (coxed by Maddie) and claimed victory with a comfortable lead.

Forming a composite crew with Catie of St Andrew Boat Club, Stevie raced in the J15 2x against six other crews and crossed the finish line ahead of the second place crew by six seconds.

Gillian returned to the water and paired up with S. Locke of St Andrew Boat Club to race in the Masters C-E 2x to win another gold.

Ailie also returned to the course for the Masters F-G 2x with Liz Davidson and they were successful in holding off their competition to claim gold.

Sarah, Zoe, Isla W, and Amy returned to the water for their final race of the weekend in the 4+, coxed by J. Adam of University Rowing Aberdeen, and their success continued with the crew adding another gold to their collections.

Fergus and Nathaniel of Heriot-Watt University rounded the weekend off with an impressive performance in the 2x to claim silver, bringing the total medal haul for the Scottish Championships to 16!


Next Rowing Event

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February
Aberdeen 8s and Small Boats Head