Well done to our rowers at the
Caley Cruisers Fours And Small Boats Head

Strathclyde Park Rowing Club - Junior Learn to Row Application

If you were aged over 12 and under 18 on 1 September 2024, please fill in the form below. We will let you know the best time to come down to meet the coaching team and the other junior club members.

These sessions are designed to provide a supportive environment to take you from complete beginner out onto the water with confidence. You will be in a small group, beginning on the rowing machines and then out into training boats on the water. The pace of the course is very much tailored to your personal ability and learning needs and will consist of five, two hour teaching blocks. The course costs £35 and after completion you will be able to join the club as a full member, and you will have support in developing your skills further. Payments can be made to Strathclyde Park Rowing Club, Sort code 83-15-10, A/c 00160076. Please reference payments with Rowstart (name).

The information you supply on the accompanying forms will be processed in line with our Privacy Notice and the General Data Protection Rules.

Application Form

Applicant's Details (* = required)

It may be essential at some time for a club official accompanying you to have the necessary authority to obtain any urgent treatment which may be required whilst at club competition or training. It is also important that club officials are made aware of any problems that may arise during training or competition and the action to be taken should such problems arise. The information gathered below will be used only for the above purposes.

Medical information Please answer Yes/No and provide further details as necessary.

Emergency contact details Please provide details of two people to contact in case of emergency

By ticking the box below I confirm that:
  • I wish to apply for a position on a Strathclyde Park Rowing Club junior "Learn to Row" programme..
  • I have read and understood the accompanying Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct for Club Members and Safety Guidelines and agree to adhere to the rules and policies laid out therein.
  • I confirm that I am able to swim 50 metres without 'touching down' wearing light clothing.

Parent or Guardian's Details

By taking the box below I confirm that:
  • I agree to pay the cost of the programme in full.
  • I have read and understood the accompanying Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers and Safety Guidelines and agree to adhere to the rules and policies laid out therein.
  • I give the accompanying club official the immediate authority on my child's behalf to sanction any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to his/her interest, in the doctor's professional opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking parent/guardian consent or those persons listed as Emergency contacts.

Club officials and coaches may, from time to time, use video and photographic equipment as a coaching aid and for publicity purposes. All due care will be taken in the storing of such material. Please tick the box below to show your consent for the Club to take videos and photographs of your child. If you leave the box blank images of your child will not be taken.

Please note rowing takes place outdoors in an environment to which the general public, whose behaviour we cannot control, has free access.