Well done to our rowers at the
Caley Cruisers Fours And Small Boats Head

Strathclyde Park Rowing Club - Junior Application

We hope you have enjoyed your introduction to rowing and that you will now move on to apply for membership of the club.

This page contains information which we are legally required to give you and your parents. There is also a form which we need completed.

Here and there on the forms there will be fields for which you cannot provide an answer yet - eg Scottish Rowing Membership Number - or about which you are unsure. Please leave them blank, or say "not sure" if any answer is required, and draw them to the attention of an office bearer.

Subscriptions run from 1 September 2024 until 31 August 2025. The table below shows the fee for the full year starting in September.

Members have the option of paying monthly payments throughout the year or one (discounted) payment up front.

1. Monthly Membership


The Monthly Membership is ideal for rowers who prefer to pay on a monthly basis rather than a full year commitment in one amount.


  • Commitment to the end of August but spread over monthly payments. Members can cancel but will not be allowed to rejoin until the following membership year. Unfortunately, we cannot offer summer only memberships.
  • Payment: The monthly fee should be paid on the first day of each month via a standing order payment.

2. Annual Payment with Discount

Members have the option to pay for the entire period up to the end of August upfront at a discounted rate. This option is perfect for those who are committed to rowing year-round and want to save on membership fees.

  • Conditions: Annual payments are non-refundable. However, members enjoy the same benefits and privileges as those who pay monthly, with the added benefit of cost savings.
  • For those joining part way through the year the fees will be applied pro-rata.

Payments should be made to Strathclyde Park Rowing Club, Sort code 83-15-10 , A/c 00160076 . Please reference payments with Subs (name).

If you have any questions about payments please write to the Treasurer by email - treasurer.sprc@gmail.com.

To 31/08/2025
Annual Subscription
Monthly Subscription
Annual SR Membership Fee
Junior - Under 18's

Members’ subscriptions entitle them to

  • use without charge of the full range of the club’s boats and other equipment (under the Captain’s direction),
  • supervised Scottish Rowing Centre rowing tank, ergometer and fitness sessions in the Rowing Centre gym
  • coaching from a qualified coach.

Some optional club activities use facilities for which the users have to pay directly, and the cost has to be borne by the members taking part. Examples include:

  • regatta entry fees and transport.

The information you supply on the accompanying forms will be processed in line with our Privacy Notice and the General Data Protection Rules.

Scottish Rowing Membership

It is a requirement for all of our members, whether intending to race or not, to apply for and hold Scottish Rowing Membership, (unless they already have this through membership of another club). This includes a competition licence - mandatory for taking part in open competitions. There is also an insurance element included in the SR Membership fee which covers members while participating in the sport of rowing, including aspects of the sport which would not be covered by our boat insurance policy.

Administration of SR Membership is done via an on-line system. This requires individuals to apply for and pay for SR Membership independently from the club. You can apply by going to: https://scottishrowing.azolve.com.

The cost of Scottish Rowing membership is £ 25.50 for a junior. The system will accept payment by debit and credit cards.

Please ensure that you apply for SR membership at the same time as you apply to join Strathclyde Park Rowing Club.

Application Form

Applicant's Details (* = required)

Click on the button if you have recently entered our junior Learn to Row course on-line and completed the course.

It may be essential at some time for a club official accompanying you to have the necessary authority to obtain any urgent treatment which may be required whilst at club competition or training. It is also important that club officials are made aware of any problems that may arise during training or competition and the action to be taken should such problems arise. The information gathered below will be used only for the above purposes.

Medical information Please answer Yes/No and provide further details as necessary.

Emergency contact details Please provide details of two people to contact in case of emergency

By ticking the box below I confirm that:

  • I wish to apply for Membership of Strathclyde Park Rowing Club and if admitted, agree to abide by the rules of the Club.
  • I have read and understood the accompanying Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct for Club Members and Safety Guidelines and agree to adhere to the rules and policies laid out therein.
  • I confirm that I am able to swim 50 metres without 'touching down' wearing light clothing.

Parent or Guardian's Details

By taking the box below I confirm that:

  • I agree to pay in full the current subscription.
  • I have read and understood the accompanying Child Protection Policy, the Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers and Safety Guidelines and agree to adhere to the rules and policies laid out therein.
  • I give the accompanying club official the immediate authority on my child's behalf to sanction any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to his/her interest, in the doctor's professional opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking parent/guardian consent or those persons listed as Emergency contacts.

Club officials and coaches may, from time to time, use video and photographic equipment as a coaching aid and for publicity purposes. All due care will be taken in the storing of such material. Please tick the box below to show your consent for the Club to take videos and photographs of your child. If you leave the box blank images of your child will not be taken.

Please note rowing takes place outdoors in an environment to which the general public, whose behaviour we cannot control, has free access.