Well done to our rowers at the
Caley Cruisers Fours And Small Boats Head

Join Strathclyde Park Rowing Club

Routes to Membership

The route to membership depends on your age and rowing experience. Anyone born before 1 September 2006 will be a senior member and anyone born from this date onwards will be a junior. Junior rowers must be at least 12 years old.

Unless you are an experienced rower you will be required to take part in our "Rowstart", or junior "Learn to Row" programmes. More details on these courses are provided below.

If you are an experienced rower you can apply to join the club straight away, but you may find it useful to contact our Captain, or Junior Coach, for more details, especially if you're interested in training and racing in crew boats.

Some of our members are part of Scottish Rowing's "Performance Development Academy". This is a specialist talent identification programme that trains and develops athletes for the Scotland and GB Rowing Teams. All Performance Development Academy athletes benefit from access to world-class coaches and facilities that support their development. More information about this is given below.

In addition to the rowing membership categories, we have coach and associate members. There is no charge for coach membership, but by joining we will maintain your contact details and you will agree to abide by the club's Code of Conduct etc. Associate members are those who have an interest in the club (e.g. past rowing members, or relatives of members) who will be kept informed of rowing and social events.

For All Rowers

We ask that you can swim 50m in light clothing and to help with this we organise a few indoor capsize drills and swim tests at a local swimming pool.

Cost of Membership

Members have the option of paying twelve monthly payments throughout the year or one (discounted) payment up front.

The membership rates for 2024-25 are as follows:

Membership Class Monthly Subscription Annual Subscription
Ordinary Senior: (born before 1 September 2006)
Student Senior (as above but in full-time education)
Overseas Student: (active during vacation only - by arrangement with Performance Development Academy coach)
Associate: anyone with a non-rowing, friendly interest in the club
Coach / Cox: appropriate licence fee only
Junior: (born on or after 1 September 2006)

Please note these subscriptions are from September to August.

New members joining part way through the year pay a pro-rata subscription.

In addition, rowing licences should be applied for and paid directly to Scottish Rowing:

Senior - £46.50, Student - £35

Junior - £25.50

Non-competitive - £16

What Next?

If you are new to rowing, or you are looking to come back from a long absence, then click on the appropriate box below.


Performance Development Academy

To hear more about our Performance Deveopment Academy, visit the Scottish Rowing website: https://www.scottish-rowing.org.uk/takingpart/perform/performance/wcs or email Lead Performance Pathway Coach, Tom Young, at tom.young@scottish-rowing.org.uk

Rowstart / Learn to Row Graduates, Experienced Rowers, Coaches and Associates

If you have completed one of our learn to row courses, or you are a competent rower, perhaps moving from another club, or you have been asked to join as a member of the World Class Start team, or if you are not seeking to be an active rower, then please fill in the on-line application form applicable for your age.


Alternatively, printable application forms can be downloaded below.

Senior Application Form 2024-25
Junior Application Form 2024-25

Next Rowing Event

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February
Aberdeen 8s and Small Boats Head