Well done to our rowers at the
Caley Cruisers Fours And Small Boats Head

SPRC Board of Trustees / Contacts

The Board of Trustees and contact details for the principal members are given below.

Position Name Email
PresidentTom McGrory president@strathclydeparkrc.co.uk
Vice PresidentClaire Dickson
CaptainLaura Graham captains.sprc@gmail.com
Vice CaptainHayley Bushell
SecretaryTom Ord secretary@strathclydeparkrc.co.uk
TreasurerAilie Ord treasurer.sprc@gmail.com
Club MasterDavid McCauley
Membership SecretaryKaren Langley membership@strathclydeparkrc.co.uk
Ordinary MemberGuy West
Junior Captain * Dominic McGrory
Performance Development Academy Coach * Tom Young tom.young@scottish-rowing.org.uk
Junior Coach * Aidan Telfer jcoach.sprc@gmail.com
Child Wellbeing & Protection Officer * Gillian Connal sprc.cwpo@gmail.com

* Denotes the position is not on the Trustee Board

Next Rowing Event

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th February
Aberdeen 8s and Small Boats Head